Members in the UK meet regularly to socialise with old friends, make new friends and enjoy seeing and listening to each others instruments. Local groups meet at least twice a year in the Midlands, Worcestershire, London and the Home Counties, and the South of England.
Usually twice a year, in Spring and Autumn, National Meetings are held at various venues around the UK. These include visits to collections of mechanical music and other places of interest as well as talks and demonstrations with plenty of opportunities to socialise.
The Society's AGM is held on the first Saturday in June to allow members the opportunity not only to appoint or elect the Society’s Officers, but also to express their views on the governance of the Society. However, the main attraction is the annual auction where members buy and sell instruments and other items of interest, with a modest premium going to the Society funds.
Other activities, such as trips to continental Europe, one-off visits to exhibitions or collections, and one-off events, such as organ ‘grinds’, or mechanical music displays, are also organised from time to time. Please refer to the Forthcoming Events section for current details.